Develop Crops to supply the
sustainable building materials of tomorrow

Our vision is to contribute to a significant CO2 reduction through fast growing biogene building
materials and offer the participants attractive returns for being part of the green transition

Træ er en af nøglerne til den grønne omstilling af byggeriet

Det er vigtigt, at det dyrkes hurtigt uden at skade vores skovarealer eller biodiversiteten.

Byggematerialer som beton og stål fører til enorme CO2-udledninger

Biogene materialer som træ kan reducere byggeriets klimaaftryk

Invester i en bæredygtig fremtid

Skove er vores vigtigste kulstoflagre og levesteder for dyrelivet

Hvis vi fælder alle de træer, der skal bruges til at dække byggeriets behov, gør vi uoprettelig skade på naturen og frigiver endnu flere drivhusgasser

Invester i en bæredygtig fremtid

Træplantager er en del af løsningen

Naturlige skove skal kun fældes i et bæredygtigt tempo, så træerne og biodiversiteten beskyttes. Derfor er der brug for træplantager med hurtig produktion

Invester i en bæredygtig fremtid

At BUILD17, we have the tools and expertise to make it happen

BUILD17 Has Control Over The Entire Value Chain

Establishment of plantation

Growth and monitoring


Wood refining and processing

Use of timber


We’re your
plantation partner

We help you understand the potential and help you establish and operate your plantation for the optimal value creation

We’re there when you need advice
And we keep improving our methods to ensure that you get the best possible yield

We document the benefits of your work

Our platform registers your activities, track the lifecycle of each individual tree, and calculate the CO2 removed from the atmosphere

Our documentation increases the value of the products from your plantation

We contribute to make the climate profitable

We provide you with the optimal tree saplings for your local environment and help you with when and how to harvest.

We can help you sell your products and advise you on how to obtain the best prices

The fast-growing Paulownia tree
makes it all possible

Paulownia can reach a height of 8 meter in 5-8 years

Make your own meaningful contribution

We give you the tools to make your own, meaningful contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals and reversing the climate crisis

We offer an alternative use for low-productivity agricultural land. However, forests should remain forests, so we don’t accept land occupied by forests within the last 10 years

Book et møde

Vores tilgang øger værdien af træprodukter. Med vores digitale platform kan vi både spore træernes rejse og dokumentere lagringen af CO2.

Kontakt os for at få mere at vide.